
Vi arbetar hela tiden för att göra CallMaker ännu bättre

Deep integration with Astrid AI

v 1.40 2024-06-13
If you are using Astrid as your AI coach you can now have a much richer experience. There is now a new dashboard element to display your daily coaching. You can also decide to display a users daily coaching for a fixed period directly after login, to make sure it's read. Additionally Astrid can rate calls giving you an easy way to get average call ratings for different call typers by user, for instance User A has an average of 3,2 for calls ending in a negative status and User B has an average of 4,1. Astrid can also set orders to confirmed status by listening and making sure they conform to the template that has been set.

Write your own KPI:s

v 1.40 2024-06-13
All admins have their own favourite KPI:s and sometimes that means you want to tweak an existing one or create a wholly new one. Now you can!

Better call forwarding

v 1.40 2024-06-13
In addition to being able to forward a call to a arbitrary number you can now define preset destinations that can be either phone numbers or inbounds in the CallMaker system or you can choose to forward calls to colleagues that have personal numbers.

User dashboard

v 1.40 2024-06-13
As an admin you can now create multiple dashboards for your users. Both admin and user can decide whether to log in to the dashboard or the your campaigns view. Dashboards can contain elements such as statistics or searches. For instance a search of my personal recalls the coming week or all my recent orders or why not all the customer cards I worked on today.

Angular 18 with Signals

v 1.40 2024-06-13
In this latest release we have moved from Angular 17 to 18 and we have started the implementation of Signals throughout the front end. For you as a user that means vastly speedier and more responsive UI than before, and that was already pretty quick!

Monitor dashboard element

v 1.39 2024-04-17
Admins dashboard can be populated with a monitor element that gives you instant visibility on what every user is doing and has been doing and also lets you take action.

Admin dashboard

v 1.39 2024-04-17
Admins now have access to a new are where they can create an infinite number of dashboard layouts and populate them with elements that let them have their KPI:s at their fingertips.

Autopilot enhancements

v 1.39 2024-04-17
Improvements include sending URLs, attach data from the calendar resource, new send mail alternatives when booking appointments and use list meta data.

Network quality gauge

v 1.39 2024-04-17
Both admins and users can now view the quality of their network connection.
View the quality of your network connection

Display inherited users

v 1.39 2024-04-17
CallMaker now displays the users that are explicitly linked to the workflow you are viewing and the ones that are inherited from the hierarchy above in a clearer fashion.

Generate reciept / voucher 

v 1.38 2024-03-06
CallMaker now generates a reciept in response to an SMS accept that can be sent back to the customer.

Appointment booking with personal recall

v 1.38 2024-03-06
You can now create a booking on a customer card an also ad a recall to that card for further communication with that customer.

Search in archived lists

v 1.38 2024-03-06
Admin can now easily search though all archived lists without having to manually select each one.

User search improvements

v 1.38 2024-03-06
Users can now filter which campaign under a parent project they wish to search in.

Mandatory fields

v 1.38 2024-03-06
You can now enable a mandatory check on fields that make them required to complete an order or a booking.

Keyboard shortcuts

v 1.38 2024-03-06
You can now choose to enable shortcuts, with full control over which functions get a shortcut and with what key. If a shortcut has multiple options, like phone numbers to dial, you are presented with an enumerated list of options that lets you just hit the number key to select the right option.

Two way SMS conversation, for written accept compliance for example

v 1.37 2024-01-10
SMS conversation to give written accept
Now you can send and recieve SMS in a conversation with a customer. You can easily set up and edit templates to use conveniently pre formatted messages. This includes sophisticated features that let you flexibly list the contents of an order or include the link to the generated reciept.
SMS template editor

Autopilots let you automate anything, almost

v 1.37 2024-01-10
Autopilots lets you automate workflows
With the basic building blocs of Events, Schedules, Filters, Search and API-calls you can build workflows that automate repetitive or complex tasks and let you focus on what is important.

Common use cases include sending SMS or mail communications depending on which criteria is met, reactive leads or move leads to the next stage. But really the only thing that sets the limit is your imagtionation.

New customer card layout elements

v 1.37 2024-01-10
New elements to populate your customer card designs with include:
• Order log
• SMS conversations
• Smart link button -> Connect a button to a data template that combines with customer data to make it possible to access almost any external system using data in CallMaker.
• Search modules that can contain the updated result of a query of your choice; want to show the last ten orders? It's done. 

Zapier actions & triggers

Vi har lagt till en hög med olika triggers och actions i Zapier som gör kopplingen till andra system ännu mer användbar

Nya kundkortselement

Nu kan du lägga ut kundkortselement som innehåller sökningar, exempelvis mina samtal idag eller mina order.


Nu kan du aktiver två faktor autentisering för att minska risken för kontokapning. 
Policy kan införas som kräver 2FA.

Personlig inbound

Nya funktioner:
• Admin kan tilldela CallerID:s exklusivt till användare
• Användare med personligt nummer har sin egen inbound
• Lista med missade samtal

Inbound & Callblending

Ny funktioner: 
• Skapa inboundslingor
• Knyta inboundslingor till ett eller flera projekt och kampanker
• Agenter som finns tillagda i en inboundslinga kan automatiskt callblenda, men tvingas inte
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